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Skootik Mobile Technologies (AlchemyML)

Second Generation of Machine Learning


  • Industria y servicios conexos


Paseo Mikeletegi, 53
20009 San sebastian



Unai Martínez, Iñigo Esnal, Marta Porroy

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Learn about our activities

Servicios de Machine Learning automáticos

A leading edge promotion team

Equipo interdisciplinar con perfil ingenieril y con un Doctor entre los promotores.

We strive to make customers and investors believe in our project

Producto disruptivo que provee de Machine Learning automático a sectores industriales y de servicios.

Our plans and dreams for the future

Estandarizar el uso de AlchemyML en la Industria

Ayuda económica y mentorización.

Join the Basque startup network

We want you to tell us what your startup is like: who you are, what you do, what your challenges are … It will only take 15 minutes, no more, but you will take advantage of each one of them..

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