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Technologies beyond connect


  • Ciberseguridad


Avenida Ribera de Axpe, 50 - 6º planta
48950 Erandio


Alicia Alonso

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Conoce a qué nos dedicamos

RELYUM is born to provide innovative solutions for networking, synchronization and cybersecurity in critical systems. This goal is achieved through industrial products which integrate time-aware reliable communications, embedded computing, sensor data acquisition and security capabilities in the same device.

These devices are the result of more than 9 years of research, developing state-of-the-art technology based on international standards:

  • IEC62439-3 v3 Clause 5 and Clause 4 “HSR/PRP”
  • PTP IEEE1588 and IEC61588:2009
  • Security: IEC62351-6 and IEC62351-9

Thanks to a design based on a FPGA, RELYUM can achieve advanced processing with low latency, complying with the most restrictive requirements of the Electric sector.

Un equipo promotor de vanguardia

Industrial plants, companies from critical sectors  (electric, oil&gas, aerospace, etc.)

Catálogo de productos

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