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The Art of Discovery SL

A Drug Discovery Company


  • Bio / Salud


Biscay Science and Technology Park. Astondo Bidea, BIC Bizkaia building, nº 612
48160 Derio


+34 635 729 735

¿Quieres modificar los datos de tu empresa?

TAD is a drug discovery company expert in pre-clinical therapeutic efficacy and translational PK/PD analysis in humanized mouse models that is committed at discovering medicines to treat ageing and catastrophic human diseases

TAD is a new drug discovery company committed at discovering medicines to treat ageing and catastrophic human diseases by in vivo PK/PD screening of drugs in humanized mouse models.

We also provide flexible services in vivo to support research projects in drug discovery and biology. These range from one-off in vivo evaluation of drugs to building ad hoc facilities and research teams for mid/long term projects.

Your projects are the centre of our in vivo service business. Whether they are drug discovery programs or biology models, we can offer you practical and affordable solutions either as a Contract Research Organization or as a Research Project Partner:

We design and implement ad hoc facilities for specific projects. The facilities encompass integrated laboratory units gathered around a small dedicated temporary animal facility. These facilities are state-of-the-art, adapted to maximize personnel comfort and of very low maintenance cost…. See FACILITIES

We also recruit and train operative teams to perform experimental protocols according to industrial-quality standards. Stable teams focused in your projects are the most cost-effective investment. They keep experimental systems ongoing ready for your requests on demand. This strategy minimizes the time of experimental cycles and you get your quality results faster than ever. See FACILITIES

Our operative units are located in high-tech environments (e.g. Biscay Science and Technology Park) where we can take advantage of synergistic interactions with expert institutions in imaging, molecular biology, genomics, metabolomics, pharmacology, etc… See WHERE WE ARE

We use our expertise in industrial in vivo PKPD evaluation to speed up your projects in a cost-effective way. By using innovative experimental design and new robust adaptive statistical approaches, we can help you best defining the experimental parameters to achieve your goals and minimizing the cost of in vivo assays. See IN VIVO RESEARCH

TAD offers a service of preliminary PK in immunocompetent and immunodecifient mice. The service is intended to provide rapid assessments of the PK, in blood or target tissues, of new compounds administered to mice by any route. This is an ideal solution, among other potential uses, to select the best compounds for optimizing the design of efficacy studies.

Let’s talk…!!!. It’s easy completing your work with the right in vivo experiments…!!!….


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