Eman izena startupen euskal sarean

Bai, baino… nola?

Gehiago irakurri


Dative Partners

Transforming companies activating the hidden value of their Data


  • Tecnología de la información y comunicación


Edificio Ilgner, Altos Hornos de Vizcaya Hiribidea, 33
48901 Barakaldo

Zure enpresaren datuak aldatu nahi dituzu?

Jakizu zer egiten dugun

Transforming companies activating the hidden value of their Data

Strategy, Big Data & Advanced Analytics

Abangoardiako sustatzaile taldea

  • Telco & Media
  • Finance
  • FMGC
  • Industry 4.0
  • Airline Industry

Ahalegina egiten dugu bezeroek eta inbertitzaileek gure proiektuan sinetsi dezaten


One of our biggest strenghts are our customers.
Thanks to the challenges they provide us, we improve and learn every day.
They help us innovate today to anticipate the business questions that will come tomorrow.

Commitment with our customers

  1. Solve our customers’ business and data challenges using the best talent and methodology

  2. Deliver simple and easy-to-use applications that will answer companies’ business questions

  3. Self-financed projects. Proven methodology that allows to self-finance Digital Transformation projects

Eman izena startupen euskal sarean

Kontaiguzu nolakoa den zure startup-a: nortzuk zareten, zer egiten duzuen, zeintzuk diren zuen erronkak… 15 minutu baino ez dituzu behar. Baina probetxua aterako diozu segundo bakoitzari.

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