Eman izena startupen euskal sarean

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Gehiago irakurri



Security you don't expect


  • Ciberseguridad


Paseo Mikeletegi, 71
20009 San sebastian



David Barroso, Dan Brett, Fernando Braquehais
902 90 60 56

Zure enpresaren datuak aldatu nahi dituzu?

Jakizu zer egiten dugun

CounterCraft deploys deception-based campaigns, offering deep monitoring and complex response actions. The Deception Platform is used by governments, law enforcement agencies, and Fortune 500 companies – proving expertise in IT security. It runs automated counterintelligence to discover targeted attacks with a real-time active response and zero false positives.
We deliver security that you don’t expect.

Abangoardiako sustatzaile taldea

David Barroso, CEO and Product Visionary: Before founding CounterCraft, CTO at ElevenPaths, Telefónica’s Cybersecurity Unit and e-crime Director at S21sec.
Fernando Braquehais, Head of Development and Product Architect: Creator of cybersecurity tools used in protecting banking and critical infrastructure.
Daniel Brett, CSO and Head of Marketing: His business acumen is coupled with a technical background in IT. Over 15 years of experience in the industry.

Ahalegina egiten dugu bezeroek eta inbertitzaileek gure proiektuan sinetsi dezaten

CounterCraft is baked by acknowledged investments funds and operates worldwide in a bunch of Fortune500 Index companies. In this emerging marketplace, the adventure has just begun and we are looking forward to talking with you to protect your business.

Gure planak eta etorkizuneko ametsak

To grow organically through the continued investment in Research, Development and Sales of a world class Cyber Deception Platform that can play a major part in evolving better cyber risk management and attack mitigation capabilities for major organisations in the public and private sectors. With a Deception Technology market currently being projected to grow to $3 billion over the next 3 years by Gartner, we are targeting major revenue growth over this period.

BIC support has been key since the company’s founding. They brought us support in the areas of the business plan development, office facilities, and subsidies. Besides, BIC gave the company the opportunity to meet relevant companies and investors in the Basque Country.

CounterCraft - Presentation

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Eman izena startupen euskal sarean

Kontaiguzu nolakoa den zure startup-a: nortzuk zareten, zer egiten duzuen, zeintzuk diren zuen erronkak… 15 minutu baino ez dituzu behar. Baina probetxua aterako diozu segundo bakoitzari.

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